How Long Do Average Hockey Games Last

September 05, 2024

Hockey is one of the most thrilling and fast-paced sports, captivating millions of fans around the world. From the excitement of a game-winning goal in overtime to the intensity of a penalty kill, every minute of a hockey game is packed with action. But if you're planning to attend a game or watch one on TV, you might wonder: How long do hockey games last? 

Understanding the average length of a hockey game can help fans plan their time and set their expectations, whether it's for a professional NHL game, a high school match, or even a youth league game. In this article, we’ll break down the different factors that affect the length of a hockey game, explain the specific timing for various levels of play, and explore why some games might take longer than others. 

Understanding the Length of an NHL Hockey Game

When discussing the length of a hockey game, it's crucial to start with the NHL, the highest level of professional hockey in North America. An NHL game consists of three periods, each lasting 20 minutes. This 60 minutes of game time is the core of the match, but the total duration of the event is much longer when you consider all the elements involved.

Intermissions and Stoppages:

Each period is separated by an intermission, typically lasting 15 to 18 minutes. During these breaks, players head to the locker rooms for rest, coaches strategize for the next period, and the ice surface is resurfaced to ensure smooth play. These intermissions add up to about 30 to 36 minutes to the overall time of the game. Additionally, there are numerous stoppages in play throughout the game, such as when a goal is scored, a penalty is called, or the puck goes out of play. These stoppages, while brief, accumulate over the course of the game.

Television Timeouts:

In televised NHL games, there are scheduled timeouts for commercials, which can extend the length of the game. These breaks are usually around 2 minutes long and occur multiple times per period.

Average Game Length:

When all these factors are combined, the average NHL game typically lasts around 2.5 hours. This includes the 60 minutes of actual play, intermissions, stoppages, and any additional time for television broadcasts. However, it’s not uncommon for games to stretch closer to 3 hours, especially if the game goes into overtime or if there are extended stoppages.

How Long Do Hockey Games Last?

The duration of hockey games varies depending on the level of play, the specific league rules, and other factors. Below is an overview of how long hockey games usually last at different levels:

1. NHL Games:

As mentioned earlier, an NHL game generally lasts about 2.5 hours. However, in some cases, the game can extend closer to 3 hours, especially during playoffs when overtime periods can continue until a winning goal is scored.

2. Minor League and Junior Hockey Games:

These games follow a similar structure to the NHL, with three 20-minute periods and intermissions. However, the intermissions might be shorter, leading to a total game time of approximately 2 to 2.5 hours.

3. College Hockey Games:

College hockey games also consist of three 20-minute periods, with intermissions similar to those in professional games. The total duration is usually around 2 to 2.5 hours, though overtime in college hockey can add extra time, especially during tournaments.

4. High School Hockey Games:

High school hockey games typically have shorter periods, ranging from 15 to 17 minutes each. This leads to a shorter total game time, generally between 1.5 to 2 hours. However, local rules and tournament settings can affect these times.

5. Youth Hockey Games:

Youth hockey games can vary significantly depending on the age group and league. Periods often last between 10 and 15 minutes, and there may be fewer stoppages, leading to shorter overall game times, usually between 1 to 1.5 hours.

In summary, while the structure of the game is consistent—three periods of hockey—the total length can vary widely depending on the level of play and specific circumstances during the game.

How Long Is Overtime in Hockey?

Overtime in hockey is one of the most exciting aspects of the game, as it’s often a sudden-death scenario where the first team to score wins. However, the rules for overtime can vary depending on the level of play:

NHL Regular Season:

During the NHL regular season, if the game is tied at the end of the third period, the teams play a 5-minute overtime period with a 3-on-3 player format. If no one scores during this time, the game moves to a shootout, where each team gets a chance to score on a breakaway, one-on-one with the goalie. The shootout continues until one team wins.

NHL Playoffs:

In the playoffs, where every game can be critical, overtime rules are different. There is no shootout; instead, the teams play full 20-minute overtime periods in a sudden-death format until one team scores. This can lead to extremely long games, sometimes extending into multiple overtime periods, making these games much longer than regular-season games.

Minor Leagues and Junior Hockey:

These leagues generally follow the NHL's format for overtime during the regular season, with some variations in time or format. In the playoffs, they usually adopt a similar approach to the NHL with longer, sudden-death overtime periods.

College Hockey:

College hockey games also have overtime periods if the game is tied after regulation. The duration and rules for overtime can vary by conference, but it often follows a 5-minute sudden-death format. In tournaments, the overtime periods can be extended, similar to professional playoff games.

High School and Youth Hockey:

Overtime in high school and youth hockey varies greatly by league and region. Some games may have short overtime periods, while others might go straight to a shootout or declare the game a tie.

Possible Reasons a Hockey Game May Take Longer

While the standard structure of a hockey game gives us a good estimate of its duration, several factors can cause the game to take longer than expected:

1. Penalties:

Penalties are a major part of hockey and can significantly affect the flow of the game. When a player commits a foul, such as tripping or slashing, they are sent to the penalty box, leading to a power play for the opposing team. The stoppage of play during penalty calls and the time it takes to organize and enforce the penalty can add extra minutes to the game. Additionally, multiple penalties can lead to longer stoppages and more strategic play, further extending the game.

2. Injuries:

Injuries are another factor that can delay a hockey game. If a player is injured during the game, play is stopped until the player is safely removed from the ice. Serious injuries may require medical personnel to attend to the player on the ice, which can result in significant delays.

3. Challenges and Video Reviews:

In the NHL, coaches can challenge certain calls on the ice, such as offsides or goaltender interference. When a challenge is made, the referees review the play using video replay. This process can take several minutes, depending on the complexity of the review, and can add to the total game time.

4. Technical Issues:

Occasionally, technical issues, such as a broken piece of glass around the rink or problems with the ice surface, can cause delays. These issues need to be resolved before play can continue, which can take anywhere from a few minutes to much longer, depending on the severity of the problem.

5. Overtime and Shootouts:

As previously mentioned, overtime and shootouts can extend the length of a game, especially during crucial matches or playoff games where ties are not allowed. In these cases, the game continues until a winner is determined, which can lead to significantly longer game times.

These factors can make it difficult to predict how long professional hockey games last accurately, as each game can present unique circumstances that affect its duration.


In conclusion, the length of a hockey game can vary depending on the level of play, the specific rules of the league, and various in-game factors. On average, an NHL game lasts about 2.5 hours, but this can extend to 3 hours or more in some cases. High school and youth games are generally shorter, but they too can be extended by factors such as penalties or overtime.

Whether you're watching a game in person or on television, understanding the potential duration of a hockey game can help you better enjoy the experience without worrying about time constraints. And if you’re interested in exploring other forms of hockey, Cheltenham Sports also offers Roller & Ball Hockey programs, providing a diverse range of options for hockey enthusiasts.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How long is a high school hockey game?

A high school hockey game typically lasts between 1.5 to 2 hours. Each game consists of three periods, usually 15 to 17 minutes each, with intermissions and stoppages accounting for the rest of the time. Local rules and tournament formats can affect these times slightly, but the overall duration is generally consistent.

2. How does a hockey game start?

A hockey game begins with a face-off. At the start of each period, and after every goal or stoppage, the referee drops the puck between two opposing players at center ice. The players then attempt to gain control of the puck to start the play. Face-offs are a critical part of the game as they set the pace and often determine which team gains initial control.

3. What is a penalty, and how long do they last?

A penalty in hockey is a punishment given to a player for violating the rules, such as high-sticking, tripping, or fighting. When a player is penalized, they must serve time in the penalty box, leaving their team short-handed. Most penalties last 2 minutes (minor penalties), but more severe infractions can lead to 5-minute penalties (major penalties) or even longer suspensions from the game.

Understanding these basic aspects of the game will enhance your viewing experience and give you a deeper appreciation for the skill and strategy involved in hockey.